I am so glad that you stopped by to visit!
The purpose of this blog is to grow in the fiber arts, namely crocheting and knitting. I am working on a ministry to supply lapghans to a local nursing home based on the basic crochet pattern known as the Granny Square and will share how that goes here.
One of my aunts taught me to crochet years ago using the granny square pattern. She always had a project going and there were many granny square afghans throughout her home. She was as colorful as her afghans and I can still hear her laughter after all of these years. Rest in peace, Aunt Vi!
I welcome any of you that participate in charity knitting and crocheting to share it with us here. I would love to feature your charity. It does not have to be a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. I just want to help you spread the word and get more recognition for your group.
It is also my plan to share videos and links to free patterns. Whenever I get brave enough to attempt it, I will share simple patterns that I design with you. I would love for you to share your favorites patterns, tips, and anything else related to crocheting and knitting that you think would be helpful to the rest of us.
Happy stitching!